Volk Gallery is proud to present the work of Rachel Simpson. Each Volk artist is given a size limit and budget and left to their own devices. With this brief, Simpson has produced 50 polymer clay moths, lino pressed and brushed in black ink to emphasise the insect’s texture. Each ceramic is accompanied by a small photographic riso-print depicting crashing waves and a luscious country landscape. We are left with a single phrase from the artist, highlighting this works themes of displacement and dislocation; “home is as thin as a moth-wing”.
Artist's Statement
Rachel Simpson is a ceramicist currently based in Cambridge. Through her ceramics, she explores the liminal, attempting to translate the fluidity and thinness of the relationship between life and death, people and place. The subsequent work consists of small, lino pressed and inked moths. Accompanying postcards feature scanned images of her birthplace taken by her late father. These fragile moths embody the border between loss and presence, the thin relationship between life and death, and the displacement of the artist from a sense of home through both bereavement and dislocation from her birthplace.
Exhibition Dates
November 19th 2022 - December 16th 2022
November 19th 2022 - December 16th 2022

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