Volk Gallery is proud to present the work of Dundee Ceramics Workshop. Each Volk artist is given a size limit and budget and left to their own devices. With this brief, the DCW team has produced 50 ceramic herrings glazed in a variety of colourful shades. Inspired by the Dundonian tradition of gifting literal dressed herrings to family and loved ones to will on a good year, these editions have been designed to gift on Hogmanay, to bring you luck in times to come. Each fish even comes with its own handmade skirt - they’re truly dressed for the festive season!
Artist's Statement
Dundee Ceramics Workshop was established in 2016 by members of Tin Roof Arts Collective. Founded in 2010 by graduates of DJCAD, the collective’s intent was to provide a space for artists and the wider creative community to work and collaborate. After first opening on Ure Street and then Milne’s East Wynd, DCW is now based at Meadow Mill providing specialised studio spaces, classes, kiln hire, and 1-1 tuition for ceramic artists and enthusiasts. The workshop is run by a volunteer committee who meet weekly in the studio, supported by a small staff team, freelance class tutors and a charity board of directors.
Exhibition Dates
December 16th 2022 - February 3rd 2023
December 16th 2022 - February 3rd 2023

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