Volk Gallery is proud to present the work of Gareth McMurchy. Each Volk artist is given a size limit and budget and left to their own devices. With this brief, McMurchy has produced 150 computer punch cards. Once society’s primary method of storing information and processing data, each card represents a different kind of ‘cookie’: a method of obtaining an individual’s data in order to track them while browsing the web. It’s highly likely that you’ve already encountered this dubious practice, perhaps without even realising it.
By presenting this data in a physical form, McMurchy hopes to visualise the sometimes alarming amount of information these trackers can accumulate over time. There are however, a handful of unpunched cards which are vacant of any data - representing the possibility of a future where our personal information remains private, and not under constant scrutiny.
Artist's Statement
Gareth McMurchy is a designer based in Dundee, currently studying a postgraduate degree in Product Design. His work is speculative and critical in nature, using design to envision potential future scenarios and to spark dialogue. Gareth is interested in how technology and society influence each-other simultaneously, and likes to investigate this area in creative ways. While his educational background is rooted in product design, over time Gareth has become less interested in the commercial side of the discipline - instead opting to explore the space in which art and design meet, in order to create evocative and interactive objects.
Exhibition Dates
April 15th 2022 - May 27th 2022
April 15th 2022 - May 27th 2022

Previous Works ↓

Do Not Fold, Spindle Or Mutilate

On The Other Hand
