Volk Gallery is proud to present the work of Chris Connarty. Each Volk artist is given a size limit and budget and left to their own devices. With this brief, Connarty has produced 150 badges and 50 posters, all riso-printed in colours reminscent of early comic books and newspaper strips. Isolated sections of larger cartoons are celebrated; wagging fingers, plumes of smoke, and punchy fonts, all referencing Scotland's heritage and relationship to printed media.
Artist's Statement
Chris Connarty works with collage, printmaking and drawing to make text-based works and graphic images. Drawing from sources such as print media and public signage, he is concerned with instructional forms and the aesthetic choices associated with these forms.
Cut-outs from newspapers and printed matter are copied, drawn or otherwise reproduced. Through this ad-hoc method, appropriated text and image are given more open interpretation.
Chris is interested in alternative means of distributing art and its occupation of public space. Works are often resolved as publications, posters, prints and temporary installations.
Cut-outs from newspapers and printed matter are copied, drawn or otherwise reproduced. Through this ad-hoc method, appropriated text and image are given more open interpretation.
Chris is interested in alternative means of distributing art and its occupation of public space. Works are often resolved as publications, posters, prints and temporary installations.
Exhibition Dates
September 7th 2021 - October 7th 2021
September 7th 2021 - October 7th 2021

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